

  • We possess the most accurate and detailed map of Russia even up to block numbers;
  • Maximum payback period will make 6 months if you use our monitoring system;
  • We install the best equipment from Switzerland (Aquametro), Russia/Estonia (Omnicomm/VEPAMON), Lithuania (Ruptela, Teltonika) and Belarus (Gurtam);
  • In the Garage-GPS you can buy or rent equipment corresponding to Article 285 Russian Ministry of Transport
  • All Garage-GPS employees are high-qualified professionals and experts in IT industry, navigation and tracking system. They take regular and advanced training on Ruptela and Teltonika production plants. There they get to know how to work with a new equipment;
  • You will be taught and be able to use monitoring program within 15 minutes after professional advice of our experts;
  • We offer technical assistance that would perform 24-hour unbiased monitoring and prepare all requisite reports for you. You may obtain accurate and comprehensible advice on any issues, at any time through ticket-based GHS. This is a free service for all customers and is not subject to any collateral agreements;
  • We have the lowest prices in the CIS

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