
Housing and utilities sector.

GLONASS / GPS transportation monitoring system allows monitoring various means of transport, controlling the work of transportation machines and devices, staff monitoring, and control fuel-and-lubricants' drain in such an essential sector as Housing and Utilities. The sector includes the following: motor vehicles and specialty vehicles designated for reconditioning of roads, vehicles designated for household rubbish disposal, de-icing agent application and street cleaning specialty vehicles, etc. GLONASS / GPS solution allows raising management efficiency, improve its work and cut operating expenses.


  • Online control of highway servicing and street cleaning specialty
    vehicles' route observance;
  • Deviation operative alerting;
  • Street cleaning agents' expenditure control;
  • Control of attendance and full coverage of all household rubbish collection points;
  • Household rubbish collection performance monitoring;
  • Rubbish emptying points' control;
  • Monitoring of due and timely onsite supply of vehicles;
  • Technological control of specialty vehicles' driving speed at reconditioning of roads;
  • Controlling the work of specialty vehicles' machines and devices, excavator operation, asphalt laying vehicle operation etc.
  • Improvement in effectiveness of specialty vehicles and 20-30% cost cutting in their operation;
  • No icing on pavements and roadway at wintertime;
  • Decrease of motor vehicle accident risk on roads etc.


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